No Such Thing As Selective Love in His Kingdom

Who am I to be selective with my love and my kindness?
Christ certainly wasn't.

He went among the sick, the cast out, the down trod, the forgotten, the sinners, and the betrayed.
He even pleaded with his own Father to forgive the very men who mocked and whipped him, hurt and degraded him.

When was the last time some one stabbed you in the back and your immediate response was to react with unconditional love and mercy? I can honestly say for myself, probably not ever.

But that is exactly what Christ did.

From a hymn "they pierce his hands and feet and side, and with insulting scoffs and scorns they crown His head with plaited thorns. In agony he hung, no murmuring word escaped His tongue."
Christ responded to the very men who flogged Him and beat Him with kindness by offering this plea, "forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."

Christ extended His mercy and compassion even unto those who hurt him.

I have made it my personal goal that on my mission I will constantly try to respond as Christ did, with love and compassion, to those who mock my beliefs or seek to hurt me.

If I am to declare His words I must do it as He would have done - with love.


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Czech me Out

Hi there :)

This is me, Sister Kari Kane, and this is the story of my journey in becoming a Sister Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Love always,
Sister Kane

Write Me at:

Mailing address at the MTC is:

Sister Kari Camille Kane
MTC Mailbox #232
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793
United States

Mission Office:

Sister Kari Camille Kane
Czech/Slovak Mission
Badeniho 1
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic

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420 224-322-215